- When you were a missionary, what did you tell people that was unique about our Church?
Next up was faux host of the TV show "First Time Moms," Lanae who served in Winnipeg, Canada. She would teach people about the eternal nature of the plan of happiness and about the preexistance.Only the President of the Church has the right to receive revelations for the entire Church or to give official interpretations of the scriptures or the doctrines of the Church:“No one shall be appointed to receive commandments and revelations in this church excepting [the President of the Church], for he receiveth them even as Moses” (D&C 28:2). (President Howard W. Hunter Continuous Revelation through Living Prophets)
Finally, our recently returned Sinclaire was the faux star of the movie "On Trial in Taiwan." Temples and the Book of Mormon stood out as powerful doctrines that recurred in Taiwan.
We who are met here today [in general conference] claim a special, unique knowledge of the Savior’s gospel. Most striking of all, to those who first became acquainted with us, is our declaration to the world that we are guided by a living prophet of God—one who communicates with, is inspired by, and receives revelation from the Lord. (President Howard W. Hunter Continuous Revelation through Living Prophets)
Thanks for the entertaining and enlightening lesson 'Ginny', we'll 'stay tuned' for more!