Monday, February 20, 2012

Lesson Summary, February 19

Today's lesson was taught by Sarah G. on Our Testimony Of Jesus Christ. She began by explaining her goals 1. To remind you of what you already know and 2. To help you find a new way to share what you already know.

Three stories were shared:

In the 1920s a young President Smith found when traveling some people wouldn't believe that Mormons were Christian. On one trip to Canada he overheard a conversation where one person was trying to convince another woman that Mormons were not Christian. That woman had just heard President Smith speak and declared that this couldn't be true because she just heard a beautiful and pure testimony of Christ.

Janice Kapp Perry is a composer that has written many modern primary and religious songs. In the 1980s she sent some song to a Christian publishing house and she received a letter back saying that since she was from Utah they would not consider be because she didn't believe in Christ. She was shocked and stunned, because the words of her songs clearly testified of Christ.

President Hinkley agreed to be interviewed by Mike Wallace, a hard hitting reporter. In fact Mr. Wallace wrote the preface to President Hinkley's book and wrote about how he was touched by President Hinkley.

What would you say if someone says that Mormons are not Christian. One sister related how she was corrected by Elders that tracted into her house and they noted that the name of our church contains the name of Christ. Another sister recalled how someone asked them if she was saved and she replied that she believes in Christ as her Savior. years later her son was serving in the mission in the same area as this woman, and he had the opportunity to testify to her.

One sister was asked to share how she personally has come to know how Jesus Christ lives. When she was in her late 20s the AIDS epidemic was emerging. She worked in a club where the first young man that died of AIDS in the Bay Area attended. She was scared and in the midst of this knew she needed more. When the missionaries came to her door she turned them away. However she met members, one of whom had overcome alcoholism with the church. One night she felt like she was in a well and in despair, and a voice told her that there was a way out. She could overcome her addictions and she knew that Jesus lived and that he knew her name. Jesus pulled her out, and even since then when she has made mistakes, Jesus has been there and has helped her back on track.

1. He is the Son of God. he lives today as our resurrected savior.

2. We accept the bibles testimony of his divine mission.

3. The Book of Mormon and a testimony of Joseph Smith give us additional evidence.

4. Each of us can gain a personal testimony.

5. Our mission is to share all people what we know about Jesus Christ.

Another sister shared her love of the passage in 3 Nephi 17, which strengthens her testimony to know that he cared for the little children so much and that he blessed the people one by one.  

How do we build a testimony? Many of us gain it from our childhood and the examples of others.

One sister shared how she helps her children gain a testimony. She noted that she feels it is essential to share through example daily, by sharing the "why" of our actions that are motivated by our testimony, by being honest about the struggle of gaining and maintaining a testimony with children and accept their struggles, and to personalize the teaching to the child. She closed by noting that a testimony is the most precious thing and the only thing that can keep children away from spiritual harm.

Another sister discussed her experience in sharing her testimony on her mission. She shared a story about a man who had been excommunicated and we working toward rebaptism. He was so excited and enthusiastic about everything. This was unique because she saw just the first steps, but a little over a year later she saw him at the temple. That was a message about the cycle of testimony and how it is deep and beautiful.

Elder Neal A. Maxwell shared four things that we must do to keep our testimony: 1. Pray 2. Scripture 3. Regular worship and 4. Service.

Sarah shared how she spent a summer with her aunt and uncle who were Mormon and did everything that a Mormon family always did. They saw what they were missing and they requested to go to church. She had a desire to learn about the Savior burning within her. When she went to BYU she was able to go to Jerusalem and she asked for a sure testimony that this was all true. She still felt that she didn't have the "Apostle Paul experience". She returned home to the ward that had nurtured her as a teenager and she heard their testimonies and there she realized that this was what she needed. Your do not have to have amazing experiences and travel abrad. You just need to live the gospel and feel of the love.

We are beloved spirit daughters of God,
and our lives have meaning, purpose, and direction.
As a worldwide sisterhood, we are united in our devotion
to Jesus Christ, our Savior and Exemplar.
We are women of faith, virtue, vision, and charity

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