Sunday, May 20, 2012

Today Sarah G. presented the lesson "Open Your Soul to the Lord in Prayer" Sarah at first felt that there was little more that could be said about prayer until she read the title, and she hoped that through the lesson we will learn to open our soul to the Lord through prayer. President Smith had a sweet memory of his mother teaching him to pray. One sister shared how her nephew had a speech delay, and when it was discovered his parents taught him sign language. With his new language he expressed his first simple prayer, "Heavenly Father please help me learn how to talk." 

Elder Scott gave a talk on the supernal gift of prayer. He exclaimed, "Think of it: the absolute Supreme Being, the most all-knowing, all-seeing, all-powerful personage, encourages you and me, as insignificant as we are, to converse with Him as our Father. ....It matters not our circumstance, be we humble or arrogant, poor or rich, free or enslaved, learned or ignorant, loved or forsaken, we can address Him. We need no appointment. Our supplication can be brief or can occupy all the time needed. It can be an extended expression of love and gratitude or an urgent plea for help."

How can we make prayer as personal as it ought to be? If we think about the fact we are talking to our Father in Heaven, that can change our approach. One sister shared that she grew up with rote prayers and when she embraced the idea of having a conversation with God it changed her prayers. Another sister shared that on her mission she had one occasion she felt such amazing peace while praying during a difficult time that she didn't want to stop praying. Sarah shared that she really learned about prayer in college. One semester she had a private room that looked out on Mount Timpanogas. She would visualize God sitting on the mount and that visualization changed her prayers. 

President Smith warned, "Unless we pray we lose the protection that prayer offers." President Smith went on to say that there is power in collective prayer. Sarah shared that her daughter had decided to travel to Nepal alone and Sarah was very nervous about having her go. She went home after dropping her daughter at the airport and she prayed for a long time, pleading, and suddenly she could see a vision of her daughter in the airplane surrounded by light. She finally felt peace that she would be alright. 

One sister found the prayer found in the story of Daniel and the Lions Den is a very personal prayer in that he came to the Lord in fasting to confess his sins. Another sister shared a story of her daughter who had had a tantrum following being scolded on her first day of school. She had an emotional meltdown that her mom couldn't calm, but at the suggestion that this young child pray, she went to the other room and emerged calm and ready to start her day. 

"In secret prayer go into the room, close the door, pull down the shades, and kneel in the center of the room. For a period of five minutes or so, say nothing. Just think of what God has done for you, of what are your greatest spiritual and temporal needs. When you sense that, and sense his presence, then pour out your soul to him in thanksgiving." - David O. McKay
In contrast, John Donne said, "I throw myself down in my chamber, and I call in and invite God and his angels thither, and when they are there, I neglect God and his angels, for the noise of a fly, for the rattling of a coach, for the whining of a door."

Sarah found a story about an apostle who was in a steam room. He heard a noise and couldn't see who it was. Soon the figure came closer, a small boy. The boy exclaimed, "You are that apostle who travels everywhere and never gets sick and never gets hurt. Do you know why you never get hurt or sick? Because I pray for you!" (paraphrased)

We are told to pray for needful things and to ask for the Spirit to help us know for what to pray. One sister shared that she sometimes feels myopic, and when she asks about what she should be asking for, then her mind is opened and enlightened. If we are praying for sun, someone else may be praying for rain! 

We can grow in our ability to pray. Elder Maxwell said until we have ever prayed for those that have despitefully used us we haven't really prayed. It is out of the depths of prayer that inidvuals rise to new heights. In Gesemene the Lord fell on his face in prayer in order to gain the strength to endure the atonement. 

We have been promised that if we hold our family prayers, we will not lose our children, but doing so can be logistically difficult. Some have set a time that was sacred, and sometimes non-negotiable. Some have had prayers with a mother, in a divide and conquer approach. One sister would have prayer before the first person left in the morning, no matter when that was. All expressed gratitude for the consistent prayer, even if the kids grumble, they eventually feel a deep appreciation for it. 

Sarah ended by entreating us to open our souls and be specific in our prayers, with a testimony that prayer is real and a blessing to us. 

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