Sunday, June 17, 2012

Lesson Summary: June 17th, 2012

Today Sarah gave an inspiring lesson on revelation from Teachings of George Albert Smith.

Sarah pulled from two sources. The lesson manual and from a talk from April conference by Richard G. Scott. How to Obtain Revelation and Inspiration for Your Personal Life

The word for today was "apocalypse." We think that we know the meaning of this word - the end of the world. Really this word means to reveal. John revealed the end of the world, and in that time all things will be revealed. 

George Albert Smith offered an allegory about revelation. He was taking a flight from Los Angeles to Salt Lake City. They are flying over mountain ranges and suddenly they hit terrible fog, where there was no visibility. He was worried about the mountain ranges without visibility and went to talk to the pilot. He asked what instruments he had to ensure they didn't hit a mountain. He noticed that the pilot was listening intently to a headset. The copilot explained that the pilot could hear a humming signal, transmitted by radio towers, if they were on the right path. 
Like all allegories it is essential to understand the meaning of each aspect of the story. First the fog is the distractions of the world. Our radio signal is revelation and the Spirit. The pilot is our prophet, who receives signals from the Lord to help us reach our destination, which is eternal life. in addition, we are able to be the pilot through personal revelation. 

“Not only has the Lord given us the advice already recorded in the scriptures to guide us but he has placed a leader in this Church, one of his sons who has been chosen and ordained and set apart to be the President. He is our pilot and he will be directed by a voice that will enable him to lead us where we should go. If we are wise we will not set up our judgment against him but will be happy to honor him in his place as long as the Lord sustains him.” - George Albert Smith
What has the Lord reveled to me through the prophet? Sarah remembers President Kimball teaching about keeping a journal. Now keeping a journal is trendy, but then it wasn't popular. It was a wonderful support for he, helping to think through life, problem solving, etc. A second teaching she recalls was President Benson's talk to mothers, advising "be there at the crossroads", or in other words be there in the comings and goings of your children. President Kimball taught about keeping a garden, which she has tried to do. 

Another sister always thinks about President Hinkley's encouragement to stand a little taller and be a little better. Other teachings mentioned were "Do it!" (President Kimball), and "Stop it!"(President Uchtdorf)

We believe that the apostles and president are prophet seers and revelators. We can receive revelation for ourselves and those things which we have stewardship, but not for other people or for the church outside our stewardship.

We reviewed Article of Faith 9. God wants us to receive all the revelation we can. Sarah brought a deck of cards. As a parent you always try to give cards or the information that they need to know, to your children. The goal is to help them to learn to live an independent, happy, healthy life because you have revealed all that they need to know. Likewise our father in heaven wants to give to us, but we need to ask. The scriptures are full of requests from the Lord for us to ask. See James 1:5, 2 Nephi 32:4-5, 2 Nephi 4, 1 Nephi 10:17-19, D&C 76:5-10, D&C 42:61, Matthew 7:7,

If we want revelation we need to keep the commandments, walk humbly before the Lord, and be prayerful.

Elder Scott approaches revelation by opening the scriptures and prays to know what to read. He ponders and then prays to know if there is anything more. Finally he writes. Pride, anger, discouragement, fear, defensiveness, hurt, loud laughter and exaggerated speach all inhibit our ability to receive revelation. Good health practices, like sleep,exercise and eating well, good activity choices that don't distract enhance ability to receive revelation. 

"One of the great lessons each of us needs to learn is to ASK. Why does the Lord want us to pray to him and ask? Because that is how revelation is received." -Elder Richard G. Scott

"But ye are commanded in all things to ask of God, who given liberally..." D&C 46:7

"if though shalt ask thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation..." D&C 42:61

"Ask,and it shall be given you." Matthew 7:7

Sarah asked to to finally consider to questions. "What has the Lord revealed to me?" and "What do I need to ask?"

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