Monday, September 3, 2012

Lesson Summary: September 2nd

Today Catherine shared thoughts about relief society and finding our meaning.

She bagen by posing the question, "What think ye of Christ?" Christ posed this question to the thinkers of the day. How do our thoughts of Christ shape our day and direct our actions.

One venue to come to know Christ and ourselves is the Relief Society, an organization run in conjunction with the priesthood. What is the greatest desire of our Bishop? "That the members of the ward will seek to know from God what next step He wants for them to take and then to have courage to take it."

The Holy Ghost is the only mechanism to come to know this. John 14:26, Moroni 10:5, 2 Nephi 32:5.

When Catherine was in graduate school she desired to take a very challenging semester of courses, which her father advised here not to do. However she felt close to the Spirit and knew it was right and she was successful.

"It is as obligatory upon a woman to draw into her life the virtues that are fostered by the Relief Society as it is an obligation for the men to build into their lives the patterns of character fostered by the priesthood." - Boyd K. Packer
We are to increase faith and personal righteousness, strengthen home and families, assist those in need. The kingpin is the powerr of the relief society.

"There is a power in this organization that has not yet been fully exercised to strengthen the homes of Zion and build the Kingdom of God—nor will it until both the sisters and the priesthood catch the vision of Relief Society." - Spencer W. Kimball

Cannot you see why the Lord has put it upon the … Relief Society to visit these homes? Because, next to the Master himself, there are none in [the] Church who have a more lovely touch, a more complete understanding of the hearts and the lives of these individuals. -Harold B. Lee

“There are many sisters who are living in rags—spiritual rags. They are entitled to gorgeous robes, spiritual robes. … It is your privilege to go into homes and exchange robes for rags.” - Spencer W. Kimball 

By reaching out and serving others we can see just how much he loves you. One sister shared about an impression she received when a friend in need came to visit to bring together friends to sing hymns of comfort and clear direction.

The Lord's work is light. When we go to provide service and we get momentum to move into the realm of God, overcoming our natural selves, the service feels easy and light.

As you consider the way you want to minister remember the many ways you are a leader, in your families, communities, workplace and elsewhere. See the leadership training

We need to make our visiting teaching a soulful experience that both we and our sisters feel.

There was a special speaker in priesthood today to speak about finding balance in life. This is a good opportunity to discuss with husbands or others about our relationships.

Heather C. has been called to be a counselor in the Relief Society. She recounted a dream in which she was shown a humble shack and told it was her house. While at first dismayed, she then felt that she was grateful and could fix it up. As she worked a man came and asked her what she was doing. When she told him that this was her house he insisted that it was not. He then guided her to a beautiful mansion that was her house. Likewise we are not shacks, but are mansions. When we keep the commandments, feel of Christ in our life and feel his guidance we can recognize that.

Kim H. was called as a counselor in the area of community service and missionary work.The stake is now focusing on service and community service to share the gospel through those means. "The For, brethren, ye have been called unto aliberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love bserve one another (Gal. 5:13)". The Mormon Helping Hands shows our love for others.

Tori bore her testimony of finding God's desire for our lives. As she prepared for law school she knew it was the right thing, but it was difficult. As she took the LSAT the words of "How Firm a Foundation" came to mind. Through a tumultuous 3 years of law school that hymn and the scriptures from whence they were derived Joshua 1. The Relief Society and visiting teaching have been integral in feeling the support of the Lord.

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