Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Lesson Recap: December 9th

Today we heard from Sara on the topic of The Power of Kindness. (Note: I apologize for the spotty recap as my little guy decided Mommy was more fun than nursery).

Kindness is a skill that we learn as we grow. When we are kind we are choosing to be unselfish, humble, not to take offense, to see others as God would see them, to hold our tongue, to see the best in others, and to have peace.

The lesson covers four tenets:
1. Spirit of The Lord is the Spirit of Kindness
2. Look for the virtues of others offer sincere praise
3. Kindness has a power to lead people away from their mistakes.
4. Kindness in our homes can lead our children to our counsel.

"Kindness is the power that God has given us to unlock hard hearts and subdue stubborn souls and bring them to an understanding of His purposes."

"Young man, remember all he days if your life that you can find good in everyone if you will but look for it."

"I pray that the love of the gospel of our Lord will burn in our souls and enrich our lives, that it will cause husbands to be kinder to wives, and wives to be kinder to husbands, parents to children, and children to parents because of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is a gospel of love and kindness." 

We are bound as members of our church to be the best in the kingdom of God.

George Albert Smith said, "Every influence for peace ought to be exercised. Lucifer is exercising every means to destroy the souls of the human family. He is more active than he has ever been and he works in such an insidious way. I will not take time to enumerate the many ways he employs but there is one way in which he operates, and has operated from the beginning of the world, and that is to tempt one individual to destroy the reputation of another by saying unkind things of them." He then admonishes us to not be critical or unkind.

Mark 2:17. They that whole need not a physician but them that are sick.
John 8:7. He that is without sin among you let him cast the first stone.
Proverbs 15:1. A asoft banswer turneth away cwrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

President Gordon B. Hinckley:  "Treat your children as sons and daughters of God. Be kind. Love them. Respect them.  Counsel with them. Teach them. Pray for them. Guide them and god will bless both them and you."

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