Monday, May 27, 2013

Lesson Summary: May 26, 2013

"Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved" Doctrine and Covenants 87:8
Alice M. taught a powerful lesson today using the following talks from the May Ensign:

Stand Strong in Holy Places - Robert D. Hales
Be Not Moved! - Elaine S. Dalton
Your Holy Places - Ann M. Dibb

"In January of 1982, I spoke in a devotional on the BYU campus in Provo, Utah. I invited the students to imagine that the Church was on one side of the podium, right here, and the world was just a foot or two away on the other side. Back then I could not have imagined how far and how fast the world would move away from God; it was impossible to understand that, given doctrine, principles, and commandments. And yet the standards of Christ and His Church have not moved. As He said, “The truth abideth forever and ever.” When we understand and accept this, we are prepared to face the social pressure, ridicule, and even discrimination that will come from the world and some who call themselves friends." (Robert D. Hales)

If we stand in holy places we don't have to choose we have already made the choices.
Have you had experiences of the world pressuring you off of your holy place?
What are some of these holy places?

"Yet another unexpected holy place in Joseph Smith’s life was Liberty Jail. ...
While watching a Mormon Message for Youth, I witnessed [a] bedroom that had become a holy place. The video shows Ingrid Delgado, a young woman from El Salvador, sharing her feelings about the temple. She says, “It is good to know we have a place where we can get away from the things of the world and receive sacred ordinances and help those who couldn’t receive them in this life.” As she speaks, the video shows Ingrid reading her scriptures, surrounded by Mormonads, quotations, a Personal Progress book, pictures of her family and the temple, and yes, her favorite stuffed animals. Perhaps without even realizing it, she has created her holy place away from the things of the world. I wonder how many times Ingrid has read her scriptures, felt the Spirit, and received answers to her prayers in her holy place." (Ann M. Dibb)

"On the desk in my office, I have a bronze replica of a sculpture of a young woman whose name is Kristina. The original life-sized sculpture of Kristina stands on a pier in Copenhagen, Denmark, positioned so that she is looking out over the sea toward Zion. Her decision to join the Church and leave her home was not an easy one, and you can see that the opposing winds are blowing fiercely against her. She is standing firm, doing a very hard thing but one she knows to be right. Her descendants placed this sculpture there on that pier as a tribute to Kristina, for her decision that day had eternal significance for generations." (Elaine S. Dalton)

What are the things to help us to be not moved when we find ourself in opposition. How do we withstand the opposition?

"No amount of peer pressure, no acceptance, no popularity is worth a compromise. ... Your choices matter. Your choices now not only affect you, but they also affect others. They are of eternal significance. Be not moved!" (Elaine S. Dalton)

"Ironically, standing strong sometimes means avoiding and even fleeing from the world.
... use your agency to develop yourself personally. As you discover your gifts and talents, remember ... you must let the Spirit guide you. Choose and act for yourself. Be motivated from within. ...
As we diligently live the gospel, we become strong in the Lord. ... In the strength of the Lord we are able to stand against any philosophy or creed that denies the Savior and contradicts the great, eternal plan of happiness for all of God’s children. ...
In response to the Savior’s perfect obedience in standing strong, our Heavenly Father declared, “Behold my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, in whom I have glorified my name.” ... let us glorify God’s name by standing strong with our Savior, Jesus Christ. ... Standing obedient and strong on the doctrine of our God, we stand in holy places, for His doctrine is sacred and will not change in the social and political winds of our day." (Robert D. Hales)

What we do can help others find their holy place.
Stand in holy places and invite others to join you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I googled for an image of Kristina and found yours. I love this story. I used to be in Moorpark and thought I would leave a hello from Henderson, NV
    Here is what I was working on...
    Young Kristina stood
    And looked out to sea.
    She well understood
    Her destiny.

    It was very hard, knowing
    She had to leave her family
    Midst opposition blowing
    But, for Zion she left happily.

    Kristina, the name
    Means , "Follower of Christ"
    All alone, she came
    Following His light.

    First, she crossed the ocean
    Then trekked the wilderness;
    Out of pure devotion
    For Zion, to witness.
