Sunday, August 11, 2013

Lesson Summary: August 11, 2013

This week Tori G. taught lesson #15 Faithful, Energetic Service in the Kingdom of God from the Lorenzo Snow manual. 

Tori emphasized 2 teachings from the lesson. 

1) We can be faithful in our calling, no matter what it is 
2) Giving cheerful and energetic service

Have you ever been asked to a calling you were not excited about?

Some callings are more visible than others. All are important.
Sometimes we are in a position in life, where we feel our service doesn't matter. 

Tori discussed the Parable of the talents. Matthew 25

We should pay attention to our effort instead of the outcome. 

DiscussionCan you think of a time you saw someone magnify a seemingly small calling? 

 -Nettie W. discussed how she witnessed a primary teacher going the extra step for a particularly difficult child. After church she would go to the child's house and teach the lesson again one on one. 
-Jennifer G. discussed how her mother was the organist for 20+ years, yet she always consistently practiced.
-Sue A. talked about Brother Frika, a retired facilities coordinator for a church building in Germany. He was at the building every day and assured that it was immaculate.
-Deanne W. discussed how a nursery leader took specific interest in the children and as a result she saw a thirst for knowledge from each child. 
-Tori G. talked about when her mother was called as a ward chorister. Her mother was a nurse and worked mainly graveyard and weekend shifts. Even though there were some weeks her mother was unable to lead the music, she assured there was always someone to fill in.

Tori shared 2 talks by Brother Holland

"Because of Your Faith" General Conference October 2010
And to the near-perfect elderly sister who almost apologetically whispered recently, “I have never been a leader of anything in the Church. I guess I’ve only been a helper,” I say, “Dear sister, God bless you and all the ‘helpers’ in the kingdom.” Some of us who are leaders hope someday to have the standing before God that you have already attained.

"This Do in Remembrance of Me" General Conference October 1995
We could remember his magnificent but virtually unknown foster father, a humble carpenter by trade who taught us, among other things, that quiet, plain, unpretentious people have moved this majestic work forward from the very beginning, and still do so today. If you are serving almost anonymously, please know that so, too, did one of the best men who has ever lived on this earth.

The discussion was ended with reference to D&C 123:13 when Joseph was in Liberty Jail.
13 Therefore, that we should waste and awear out our lives in bringing to light all the bhidden things of darkness, wherein we know them; and they are truly manifest from heaven— 

And with a Pep talk from Tori

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