Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Revelation - November 23, 2014

Natalie M. instigated discussion based on the two conference talks: "Receiving a Testimony of Light and Truth" by President Uchtorf and "Continuing Revelation" by President Eyring.
  • How we can we receive personal revelation?
Turn to the scriptures, develop a habit of prayer, let the spirit guide your prayers, limit distractions, be still, do your part/work, humble yourself before, set appropriate/righteous expectations.

Imagine Heavenly Father's joy when we choose the righteous path.
When Lehi heard Nephi speak..., the scripture says that “he was exceedingly glad.”1 He was glad because he knew that Nephi had been blessed with confirming revelation that his father’s dream was a true communication from God. Nephi did not say, “I will go and do what my father told me to do.” Rather he said, “I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded.” "Continuing Revelation" by President Eyring

Our children are also capable of making decisions from revelation.

President Boyd K. Packer described that identifying mark of the true Church this way: “Revelation continues in the Church: the prophet receiving it for the Church; the president for his stake, his mission, or his quorum; the bishop for his ward; the father for his family; the individual for himself.”2 "Continuing Revelation" by President Eyring
We can receive revelation for those we love and have stewardship over.
It takes courage, as you act you can get more. We can be given revelation as we teach in our callings.

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