Sunday, March 18, 2012

Lesson Recap: March 17

Teacher: Sara G.

Sara began the lesson by sharing a story about her family's visit to the Joseph Smith home and the Sacred Grove a few years ago. She spoke of the wonderful feeling that was there, and the powerful testimonies that her family bore that evening in the hotel room. She then posed the following question:

How has the First Vision influenced your testimony of the Gospel? What role has it played in your understanding of the Church?

Several sisters commented on the powerful feeling that one experiences when hearing about this sacred event, and what a critical tool it is for missionaries when they are teaching new investigators. Kathryn L. made the point that the story of the First Vision is so fantastic that people who hear it are really forced to decide for themselves whether it is true or not.

Sara shared a thought she'd found that said if the Gospel could be compared to a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle, only about 100 pieces were available at the time of the First Vision; Joseph Smith restored the other 900.

Things We Learn From The First Vision:
- Christ and God are two separate personages
- God knows us personally (he called Joseph by name)
- God answers prayers, even from the most humble among us
- Temptation/distraction/adversity often come before important revelation. Satan will try to prevent revelation if he can.
- Joseph Smith remained humble even after this great experience.

Ways We Can Strengthen Our Testimonies of Joseph Smith
- Study his life
- Read the story of the First Vision in his words
- Pray
- Ponder on his works

Sara also pointed out that Joseph was remarkable in that he accomplished so much at a young age. She referenced counsel from a talk about not focusing on the oddities and extremes of a person's life, and gave the example of the Apostle Peter who made mistakes as well. She urged the sisters to focus on Joseph Smith's whole ministry.

We then discussed the following quote from George Albert Smith:

"In the year 1830, when this Church was organized, there was not upon the earth a church organization that would announce that they believed that God would reveal himself to the children of men. The teachings of the churches were all contrary to that, and our Father saw the futility of trying to save his sons and daughters until they could be inspired to come to him with the belief that he would hear and answer their prayers. When the boy prophet, in the woods of Palmyra, saw the Father and the Son, and realized that they were indeed personages, that they could hear and reply to what he said, it began a new era in this world, and laid a foundation for the faith of the children of men. They could now pray to our Father in heaven and realize that he could hear and answer their prayers, that there was a connection between the heavens and the earth."

What do we learn about consecration and service from the Prophet Joseph Smith?
- He never really had a home of his own or much money because his life was in the hands of the Lord. We should likewise be faithful and trust that the Lord will take care of us if we are doing his work.
- Suffered all manner of persecutions and remained courageous

What are some of the "900 puzzle pieces" restored through Joseph Smith?
- Priesthood keys
- Relief Society
- Primary
- Temple + Ordinances
- Proper manner of baptism
- Plan of Salvation/Degrees of glory
- Modern revelation
- Book of Mormon

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