Sunday, March 25, 2012

Lesson summary: Sustaining our leaders

Lisa H. led us in a discussion on the lesson "Sustaining those whom the Lord sustains."

Question: Why is it important to sustain the leaders?  Responses: We all have a part. It is a sacred privilege to do so. 

What are the consequences of not following th prophet? Responses: George Albert smith tells us that we will suffer the result. We can lead others away by our poor examples such as our children. The story of Noah is an simple example where there is a benefit to following the prophets. We may not be preparing for a flood but we do receive timely guidance and council that will protect us and our families. In addition, we don't benefit from the blessings that come from obedience. It also impacts others that receive blessings from the church. We are cutting ourselves off from our God and we will "lose a pearl of great price."

When we do choose to sustain, there are blessings. We will be inspired to imporve our lives. We will know the necessary preparation to succeed. We will be preserved and we will get plenty of warning. We will be happy. we will be able to see different points of view. We will be led down the correct path.

The criteria that God has for leaders is different than for the world. If we are feeling that need to complain or not sustain our leaders we may need to look within ourselves for what we need to change. Lisa shared a story from her missions when a new mission president asked them to teach four discussions a day at the direction of an apostle. Seasoned missionaries knew how challenging in Eurpoe and did not what to do this. Her new companion, a new missionary was excited and had faith. They were richly blessed by moving forward instead of digging in their heals against the new guidance.

It is important that we take the opportunity to pray so that we can get a confirmation that what we are following is the right thing. We have th opportunity for personal revelation.

The obligations that we make when we sustain our leaders as we raise our hands, we will strive to carry out the instructions of our leaders. It is not a passive thing. It is a co mittens and an obligation.

Lisa challenged us to listen carefully to listen with intent during the conference next week and also to look at our callings as a way to support and lift our leaders.

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