Sunday, July 17, 2011

Summer Activities with Kids - Katie S.

New to the Area?

It is hard to believe that I've lived here for 9 years, when I still feel like the 22 year old that came into this ward, fresh off of my honeymoon.  Three children later, I have a few ideas of fun things to do in the area - especially with young children.  I am by no means an expert on this.  In fact, my first piece of advice is to ask each new friend you meet about her favorite spot.  You are sure to develop a big fat wish list that will entertain you and your family for months to come.

So in no particular order, here are a few of my favorite haunts:

1) The Los Altos Farmers Market):  Every summer my family looks forward to Thursday evenings at the Farmer's Market.  We sample the fresh fruits, enjoy live music, and eat delicious food for dinner.  We love the Indian naan wraps, Rotisserie chicken with roasted potatoes, crepes, and shaved ice.  The kids especially enjoy dancing to the music.  This also gives me the chance to visit my favorite children's book store: The Linden Tree which is pretty much our version of You've Got Mail's "Shop Around the Corner."

2)  Speaking of children's books, I love the Palo Alto Children's Library.  This library was renovated in 2007 and is gorgeous.  They host story times for all ages and have a giant reading room that is even friendly for crawling babies and roaming toddlers.  The outdoor "Secret Garden" features mini benches and chairs and is a charming little place to enjoy the outdoors.

3) Shoup Park: Although Palo Alto has many really fun parks, I especially love this park in Los Altos because it has giant towering trees, a bubbling creek, lots of grass, and extra fun play structures.  It feels set apart from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

4) Rinconada Pool: This clover-shaped pool is great for small kids and a fun place to take swimming lessons.   There is even an area that is shallow enough for a little baby to sit and splash.

5) Gilroy Gardens: If you are looking for an all day amusement park experience, this is a really fun place, especially for kids ages 2-9.  The park is set amidst botanical gardens, is well shaded, and is often not too crowded.  Besides 1 or 2 roller coasters, all of the rides are geared towards smaller children.  The park feels very small town, with rides like "Artichoke Dip," "Strawberry Sundae," and "Garlic Twist."  Don't forget to eat your lunch while watching the "Musical Market Show" which features singing fruits and vegetables.

So these are a handful of my favorites, but I didn't even mention the beaches, the Academy of Sciences, Happy Hollow, the Palo Alto Jr. Museum and Zoo, and many more fun places to explore.  Welcome to Palo Alto!  

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