Sunday, March 19, 2017

Building Faith- March 19, 2017

March 19, 2017

Ward Conference- Special Lesson by our Stake Relief Society President Sister Linebarger
"Building Faith"

Sister Linebarger began her lesson by describing the Millennium Tower in San Francisco. Although this skyscraper was claimed to be a luxury structure, it is now sinking and tilting. Many problems were overlooked as it was being built. The engineers and builders took structural shortcuts that have compromised the building. Now repairs must be made and secondary structural supports are being but in place to help straighten out the building and keep it from sinking and tilting any further.

Sister Linebarger likened the tilting skyscraper to our own lives. Many times we are building our towers and unforeseen trials shift and tilt us in our faith. We need various supports to help straighten us out and get us back on track.

Sister Linebarger also used Elder Rasband's talk as a guide from October 2016 General Conference titled, "Let Thou Forget."

Do you ever feel like you are sinking or tilting in your faith?

Why does our faith sometimes start to fail? Some ideas offered from our sisters:
-"Good things can distract us from better things". We must put our #1 priorities first
-We don't know how satan will come at us
-We think we are building up, but then real life hits and knocks us off center
-Complacency (We think we will never lose our faith, but we must be active our faith)
-External supports m ay fail
-We are tempted by things that test our faith. Some challenges we can anticipate, others we don't even know are coming. There are unforeseen challenges and twists we don't see coming
-Opinions of other people, popular opinion

Sister Linbarger shared a quote from Elder Rasband's talk where he related what he tells his friends who are struggling with their faith:  "I encouraged them, as I encourage you now, to recall, especially in times of crisis, when you felt the Spirit and your testimony was strong; remember the spiritual foundations you have built. I promise that if you will do this, avoiding things that do not build and strengthen your testimony or that mock your beliefs, those precious times when your testimony prospered will return again to your memory through humble prayer and fasting. I assure you that you will once again feel the safety and warmth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.''

How do we know if we are starting to sink or twist?
What tools do we have to help us know if we are straight or sinking?
-Stay close to the spirit
-Alma 5:26 "if ye have experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now?"
-We may not feel so now, but the spirit can help us k now if we are sinking, tilting, or shifting (church leaders can help us have an eternal perspective and comprehensive view)
-Remember what the Lord has done for our ancestors. Recall stories of how they found the Lord and the sacrifices they made for their faith

If we are sinking or someone else we know/love is, what are things we can do to be an external support to them?
-Love them through their faith struggle
-Pray for them
-Strengthen yourself spiritually first
-Pray to serve and know those you visit teach, your love and friendship is more important than any lesson given
-listen without judgment to hear their heart, be friendly
-Discuss family history stories of trials with your children. Remind them they can do hard things

Elder Rasband mentions several ways to fortify ourselves:
* Ponder scriptures regularly, write down impressions and thoughts
*Attend church meetings, especially sacrament
*Partake of the sacrament and renew covenants
* Share your testimony and record it
*Never forget or ignore personal, sacred, spiritual experiences
*Do not forget your divine heritage, even in life greatest storms

We were challenged to DIG DEEPER! We must build our faith strong starting down at the bedrock.
What do you do to dig deeper?
-Eliminate distractions
-Make choices to give up things that take time away from your prayer and scriptures
-Pray (with listening!) like Enos who spent all day in fervent prayer
-Dig deeper as your study the scriptures and keep a notebook for thoughts and impressions
-We can fast with a dedication to focus our intentions and eliminate distractions
-Serve others
-Act on promptings, acting on a prompting will lead to more!
-Receive invitations and challenges to act

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